CReW gratefully accepts donations of all manner household goods.
The list of items that we take is so extensive that we can’t have an exhaustive list.
Here are some categories to get you started:
Books, bedding, crockery, electronic items (charges may apply), hardware, indoor and outdoor furniture, timber, tools, windows/doors, nic nacs and much more.
CReW is the only local E-waste provider. Please see our E-waste page for more information.
We can not guarantee over the phone that CReW will accept any items. It is up to the discretion of the team if the items are to be accepted and must be seen in person by the CReW team before being accepted.
CReW however accepts a lot more than it ever rejects so bring your items in before heading to the Transfer Station which is located just down the street. Everything is free to drop -off to CReW except e-waste items.
Click here to find out what items CReW doesn’t accept