Sustainable Community Employment
Te Puoranga Whakatutangata
o Te Iwi Whānui
We will demonstrate this by:
generating local employment
engaging people with barriers to work
supporting micro enterprises and self employment
using best practice processes and techniques to maximise business and employment opportunities
aiming to be sustainable and innovative while minimising costs and improving profitability
Environmental Benefit and Improvement
Te Pou Taiāo Whakawhirikoka i a Ranginui rāua ko Papatuānuku
We will demonstrate this by:
reducing environmental impacts of waste disposal in the District by maximising resource recovery and diversion of reusable materials
diverting and utilising resources for the benefit of the community
educating the community in reducing, reusing and recycling waste
using best practice processes and techniques to minimise environmental impacts
Social Equity
Te Nohotahi-a-Whakawhanaungatanga-a-noho
We will demonstrate this by:
bringing together diverse members of the community and engaging them in learning opportunities and meaningful employment
promoting discourse and interaction between members of our community
Enhancement of Community Capacity
Kaitiaki Kadets (Junior Halo/KiwiTrust) painting their mural for CReW at Halo in The Strand 2019
Whakatairanga i te Pukaha o te Iwi
We will demonstrate this by:
providing opportunities for learning and training for individuals and groups to develop skills, knowledge and confidence
developing organisational structures and strengths by linking with other community groups, communities of interest and relevant networks
establishing a sound model for collaboration by developing partnerships within and across communities
sharing experiences, knowledge and innovations with interested parties for the benefit of communities and the environment