Who is Pou Whakaaro and what is it’s relationship with CReW?
Ebat Charitable Trust was established in 1982 with support from service clubs and the local community. Initially, the focus was on finding employment for people who experience mental illness but demand for support grew to include people with disabilities.
In 2002 EBAT Charitable Trust refocused and began trading as Pou Whakaaro. Since this time they have continued to grow and to take a community development approach across all of their work. Their mission is 'Partnering with people living life well’. They continue to provide services to people with a disability or mental illness and also to families/whanau of people with an experience of mental illness.
Pou Whakaaro and CReW are both governed by EBAT Charitable Trust’s Board of Trustees
Today Pou Whakaaro offers a range of courses and activities in Whakatāne and Kawerau along with employment support and a micro business group. Some courses include community-based activities, and many are open to the wider community.
Pou Whakaaro provides an umbrella for other community initiatives, including CReW and the East Bay TimeBank.
Pou Whakaaro has a symbiotic relationship with CReW who offers work experience in its retail shop, be it on a voluntary or paid level to the people that Pou Whakkaaro partners with.
In addition, Pou Whakaaro hosts Whakatāne’s Community-Led Education Programme which is an excellent vehicle for the sharing of skills, knowledge and experiences which strengthen and enrich our community.
CReW’s relationship with the Whakatāne District Council
CReW has a very strong relationship with the Whakatāne District Council who not only helped found CReW, but who also provides funding for specific waste minimisation educational projects and operations which is in accordance with the council’s ongoing aim to reduce as much ‘waste’ going to landfill as possible. For more information on the WDC’s aims and objectives click on image to the right:
CReW’s operations help to divert 312 tonnes* of reusable resources per annum going to the landfill, which in turn helps reduce considerable costs to both the Whakatāne District Council and to the rate payer. *(as at 2019)
CReW’s relationship with the Whakatāne District Council’s Recycling Park and Transfer Station, operated by Waste Management
CReW is strategically positioned in the same street as the Whakatāne District Council’s Recycling Park and Transfer Station which is operated by Waste Management.
Waste Management has a very co-operative relationship with CReW and encourages locals with re-usable resources and/or e-waste, to first bring them into CReW to be considered for resale in their REUSE Shop, or to be sent off to be recycled in an environmentally friendly way.
It is important to know that CReW is not a recycling centre for single-use items such as: cardboard, single-use plastics, aluminium and tin cans and paper, most of which can be dropped off at the Recycling Park and Transfer Station.
Should you require Refuse or Recycling Services, contact Waste Management for further details at: https://www.wastemanagement.co.nz
Check out CReW’s Services page for What We Accept & What We Don’t Accept .
CReW’s relationship with BayTrust
CReW is proud to be associated with Bay Trust who is a funder of CReW’s Waste Minimisation Educational Programme 2018/19.
Without the support from BayTrust, CReW would not have been able to offer the Community Waste Minimisation Projects such as the 2018/19 Local School Mural Competition incorporating important waste minimisation messages. This competition attracted 91 entries and 22 finalists were selected and are showcased on Shipping Containers at the inwards area of CReW.
CReW’s relationship with AQUAHEAT
CReW wishes to acknowledge the contribution that Aquaheat has been making by donating their time to CReW to degas the refrigerators, heat pumps and dehumidifiers that are accepted by CReW. The gas inside of refrigeration units can be harmful to the environment and by sequestering the gas Aquaheat is helping to ensure the most environmentally friendly manner of disposal of your fridges.
CReW then removes the motors for recycling. We also remove all trays and reusable components for resale. The metal shells are then recycled which serves to keep as much out of landfill as possible. Thanks Aquaheat for helping to divert waste for the local community!
Organisations that CReW supports and/or associates with:
Eastbay Timebank
What is Timebank?
“Timebank is a practical tool that enables co-production, being a theory based on the premise that people and societies flourish more readily when relationships are built on reciprocity and equity.”
How Timebank works
TimeBanking is an alternative trading system based on the concept of sharing skills and time between its members. It works to create and promote well-being, and help communities flourish and thrive. It enables you to give and receive help in your community by earning credits that you can then use. Unlike the money economy, timebanking values all hours equally: 1 hour of time = 1 time credit, whether you are a surgeon or are unemployed. Everyone’s time is considered of equal value.
Eastbay Timebank’s relationship with Pou Whakaaro/CReW
Eastbay Timebank was set up in 2009 by CReW’s sister organisation, Pou Whakaaro and members share a wide range of work, skills, support, help and activities. TimeBank operates where members can login and check their credit balance and advertise for help that they need, and what help they are able to offer. CReW supports Timebank by offering books in their shop in exchange for credits.
Core Values of Timebank
Recognising people as assets, because people are the real wealth of society
Co-production, we can ‘earn our own support’ rather than be passive recipients of services
Valuing work differently, to recognise all that people do to raise families, look after those who are frail and vulnerable, and maintain healthy communities, social justice and good governance.
Promoting reciprocity – giving and receiving – because it builds trust between people and fosters mutual respect
Building social networks– because people’s physical and mental well-being depends on strong, enduring relationships
Building Sustainable resources
Whakatane members celebrating the founder of TimeBank, Edgar Cahn’s birthday on 23 March 2019 with a hat competition at Pou Whakaaro.
CReW’S relationship with Boomerang Bags Whakatāne.
Boomerang Bags Whakatāne is about making bags, diverting waste, starting conversations, connecting with each other, fostering sustainable behaviour and having fun!
Boomerang Bags uses donated material to sew reusable bags which are then circulated back in our local community.
All are welcome to fortnightly sewing bees which are held at Pou Whakaaro/CReW at 40 Te Tahi Street. Donations of fabric can be made by dropping them into CReW. For further enquiries email: boomerangbagswhakatane@gmail.com or phone Michele 021 062 6049 to get involved.
Pou Whakaaro/CReW’S relationship with Waste Not Want Not - Whakatāne
Pou Whakaaro/CReW supports Waste Not Want Not by providing them with free space to operate their food rescue operation at Pou Whakaaro House in 1 Bracken Street Whakatane.
Who is Waste Not Want Not?
Waste Not Want Not to is a local 'food rescue' charity organisation which started in Whakatane in June 2018. It was set up to create a more sustainable community by rescuing good fresh quality food and redistributing it to everyday people and community groups.
Win win for everyone!
Waste Not Want Not’s food rescue operation offers a mutual benefit to the local region by diverting a substantial amount of food from the landfill, whilst also making it available (for free) to community members, proving to be a win/win for everyone.
Founder Janene Maguire states:
“We are lucky to have amazing food donors, supporters, sponsors and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that in this community the need for 'food rescue' is both acknowledged and carried out.
We collect and distribute rescued food 5 days a week. Mon-Wed-Fri from 4pm until all food runs out. Food can be collected by individuals at our 'market shop' in the Pou Whakaaro House at 1 Bracken Street. The remaining days the food goes directly to the community groups.
Come and be part of a charity organisation that believes that to Waste Not is to Want Not.”
June 2018 - June 2019
An average of 3.5 tonnes of food per month has been rescued by Waste Not Want Not since it opened its doors in June 2018.
CReW’S relationship with the Molly Morpeth Art Award
In 2018/19 CReW was proud to become a sponsor for the Molly Morpeth Canaday Award in Painting and Drawing. www.mollymorpethcanaday.co.nz/ with this year’s merit award going to Sena Park’s re-cycled artwork titled: E-um #9.
CReW’s intention for being a sponsor at this prestigious art award was to raise the REUSE profile within the local community.
Merit Award $500
CReW Community Resources Whakatane
Sena Park
E-um #9
There are big modernist themes packed into this small painting: Dada’s found objects, the Cubists’ use of printed words, and the shaped canvas of 1960s abstraction. Modest and witty, E-um #9 continues the tradition of testing painting’s fundamental terms: shape, surface, mark and colour. I like the way that the flattened cardboard box comes with a little diagram of what a stack of boxes should look like (in perspective!). There’s the great conundrum of painting -three dimensions, appearing out of two - plotted neatly before our eyes.
Dr Christopher McAuliffe - Guest Judge
CReW wishes to acknowledge our collaboration with Macaulay Metals.
This collaboration helps to divert reusable metals out of landfill. Macaulays pick up the metal that CReW sets aside for recycling. We also take small amountsof sorted metal to their Whakatane station, once the metal has been graded and weighed we then receive payment. They have previously donated their time to help train CReW staff on identification of metals and methods for dismantling items containing metals for recycling. Macaulay Metals is located at 147a Commerce Street Whakatāne. PH: 07 308-9100
Other organisations that CReW collaborates with from time to time:
CReW is a member of the Zero Waste Network.